BOOKING INFO: Once you complete your checkout, we'll send you a convenient link via email or message (if you are checking out from Instagram or Facebook) to schedule your booking and session details. Rest assured, our talented team of photographers is here to accommodate your preferred date.
Discover the perfect way to capture life's beautiful moments with our premium Film & Stills package! Our expert team of professionals are committed to providing an exceptional experience, as they help you capture the best moments of your special day with stunning detail and artistic flair. Let us create lasting memories that you'll cherish forever!
Session details:
♡ On Location
♡ 1-1.5 Hour Session
♡ Includes Props/Backgrounds
♡ All HD Digital Image + Print Release
♡ Directors Cut Video 3.5-5 minutes
♡ Advanced Re-Edit Requests for video
♡ $100 Print Credit
Premium - Family
Once you checkout, you will receive by email a direct link to schedule your booking and event details.